Church Car park
St Winefride’s Car Park.
The Car Park ANPR Camera is 'NOW IN OPERATION'
Dear Parishioners & Visitors,
As you may know, the Church car park, which is only intended for parishioners when attending Mass and other Church services, has been adversely affected by uncontrolled and unauthorised parking. This has caused damage to the car park, accumulations of rubbish and inconvenience to the parishioners.
ParkingEye a car park management company is now managing the car park for the next three years. They use an automated number plate recognition system (ANPR) to identify vehicles registered on their system. Parishioners who have registered their vehicle registration numbers may use the car park free of charge for up to 2 hrs. Any parked vehicle which is not registered will be subject to parking charges imposed and collected by Parking Eye.
If you drive to Church and park in the car park you must provide your current vehicle registration number so that it can be inputted into Parking Eye’s system. If you use more than one vehicle to attend Church at times, the registration numbers for all of them must be provided as soon as possible.
If you change your vehicle in the future you must inform the church before you use the car park, or any vehicle you may use on a temporary basis. Registration will allow you to park free of charge; failure to register will result in the imposition of parking charges by Parking Eye.
The car park ANPR Camera from the 20th September is NOW IN OPERATION, if you have not registered your vehicle, you will be issued with a £100 parking ticket.
By parking your vehicle in the car park, you consent to ParkingEye capturing, using and processing your vehicle registration number(s) and your personal details linked to them via ANPR for enforcement purposes.
To assist us in meeting the cost of managing and maintaining the car park, we have decided to licence a limited number of parking spaces to non-parishioners on six- or twelve-month contracts on a paying basis. If you know of anyone who is not a parishioner who would like a purchase a licence, they can send a text only between 10am and 4pm to 07507 513 318 no calls answered.
Yours Sincerely.
Parish Priest
Car registration form for parishioners to access the car park
Changing my Car