Church services
Holy Mass
Weekend Masses
Saturday (Vigil Mass) on: 6:00pm ( Rosary starts 5.30pm)
Sunday: 9:30pm ( Rosary starts 9:00am)
Weekday Masses
Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9:30am
( Rosary starts at 9.00am)
No Mass on Wednesday
Mon, Tue & Thu: 9.30am to 10:00am
Other time or even to talk to a priest Please contact Fr Matthew to book an appointment
Telephone: 01352 713181
Mobile: 07542 268736
Parent(s) have to attend Sunday Mass and contact the Parish Priest to get an application form. There will be two meetings before baptism, first of which will be an instruction to the parents on the importance of Baptism and the second will be a practise of the liturgy of Baptism. Please contact Fr Matthew:
Telephone: 01352 713181
Mobile: 07542 268736

It is our joy to help you with your wedding.
Anyone who wishes to marry in our church should give a six months’ notice. Please DO NOT make any arrangements until after the meeting with the priest
Anointing of the sick
Please contact any of the clergy in the parish or any member of the SVP if you know anyone who is sick and / or in hospital or housebound and would like to have a visit by the priest.
On emergency, please ring us on the emergency telephone number.
01352 713181 / 07542268736